Manny Casiano

Manny Casiano has been flying since his teens. His father flew a Lark Commander, and Manny always flew right seat, back in the days when paper charts were the norm and VOR’s were fancy new technology. Manny soloed on his 16th birthday; he waited to get his driver’s license the next day. He flew Socata Trinidad for a number of years, and then bought an ’89 Mirage in 1997, flew it until engine TBO, and did a JetProp conversion in 2004. Manny has flown with his family throughout the USA, as well as to the Caribbean and Canada. These have been some of his best family time vacations.
Manny joined PMOPA when he was researching his PA-46 purchase in 1996, and has attended most of the conventions since. He’s had the honor of serving a term as PMOPA president, and as a board member for a number of years. He currently serves as Chair of the PMOPA Safety & Education Foundation.
As a general surgeon, and many years as Chief Medical Officer of his local hospital system, Manny has a passion for safety systems and best practices. He’s presented an annual Safety Review / Accident Analysis at the PMOPA Convention for 17 years, and has been gratified to see steady improvement in our safety record (though not to zero accidents, which should be our collective goal).