The Application for the 2025 Award Year Will Be Open from July 1 through August 15, 2025IntroductionThe PMOPA Master Aviator Program recognizes those who are dedicated to aviation safety and demonstrate their commitment through continuous improvement. PMOPA recognizes pilots who pursue advanced training with the best M-Class instructors, seek out additional opportunities to refine their skills, engage in aviation safety initiatives, and embrace a commitment to lifelong learning. By doing so, these pilots not only enhance their own proficiency but contribute to the overall safety and excellence within our aviation community. The program year is July 1 through June 30 annually and any training or proficiency activities that are required to be completed during the program year must be completed within these dates. The application will be open for submissions from July 1 through August 15. Each application will be reviewed by the Safety Committee and participants will be recognized at the PMOPA Annual Convention & Fly-in. PMOPA's Safety Committee reviews data related to the Master Aviator Program and reserves the right to modify the Master Aviator Program qualification requirements. New for 2025PMOPA has established a Program Year (July 1 through June 30) to ensure consistency in data reporting annually and created an application window between July 1 and August 15. While maintaining high standards in training and proficiency, PMOPA's Safety Committee has developed a more flexible points-based approach to qualify for the Master Aviator Program. The higher the level of recognition, the more requirements and points must be achieved. The program's requirements and options available to earn points are detailed below, on the PMOPA Safety Webinar, and in the Presentation Slides.
NOTE: the webinar and presentation refer to the program year as August 16 through August 15. PMOPA subsequently changed this to July 1 through June 30 to provide consistency in each year of the program. Please note the program year when reporting your training and proficiency activities.
Basic EligibilityAny pilot applying for recognition in the Master Aviator Program must have, at a minimum:
If a pilot was involved in an accident or incident and applied for and was granted PMOPA's Broken Wings Award, they may be exempted from this requirement for the Master Aviator Program.
Master Aviator Program LevelsThere are four levels in the Master Aviator Program; each has requirements that must be met to achieve this recognition annually: Earning PointsPoints are accumulated by gaining proficiency and by participating in training and education opportunities. PMOPA's Safety Committee encourages pilots to pursue these opportunities and will recognize points earned for participation: Level of Pilot Certificate Held:
Pilot Ratings Held:
Flight Hours - Total Time (All Aircraft):
Flight Hours - Total Piper M-Class Time:
Piper M-Class Flight Hours in the Program Year (July 1 through June 30):
Instrument Approaches Flown in the Program Year (July 1 through June 30):
Completed an Instrument Proficiency Check in the Program Year (July 1 through June 30):
Completed a Flight Review with a CFI in the Program Year (July 1 through June 30):
Annual M-Class Training (initial or recurrent) Completed with:
Mid-year Training Event in the Program Year (July 1 through June 30): Mid-year training is in addition to an initial or recurrent training event.
Speciality Training Activities: You may have accomplished these at any time during your flying career. You may count the same specialty training activity each year you submit a Master Aviator Program application. For example, if you completed the Water Survival course at the Convention in 2022, you may count that in every Master Aviator Program application you submit in the years following.
Participation in PMOPA Webinars and FAA FAASTeam Wings Programs: Calculate your number of credits for each level; none required, maximum 10 per level.
Post-Flight Analysis and/or PMOPA Flight Data Monitoring Program Participation: